If i thought long enough about it, I 'could' find a relation between time and coffee. I sat down to blog (or post or whatever it's called) about COFFEE. After getting up around 7:00am, I MADE A POT OF COFFEE. I see those jaws dropping, now here's my story.
Lazy. Soooo lazy. Like embarrassing lazy. Yesterday, was the laziest...oh, I grilled out and was completely satisfied with THAT accomplishment for the day....see? LAZY. I could not shake this haze I was in allllllllll day, i even tried napping twice (unsuccessfully, like that really would have mattered lol). As the time crawled by, I yawned and stretched and search for some type of caffeinated beverage, again unsuccessfully. I looked at my $10 coffee pot and wondered if the grounds from my last pot were still in there, decided not to look aka lazy. See, my son loves to drive to school, he's 17 and that's what kids do at that age. I'm fine with that, but he drives my vehicle and that very much restricts me. Sooo I suffered all day in my lazy-haze, being .... lazy.
Around 4pm hubby calls and asks if we need anything from the store, I rattled off a short list and said, "Ohhh, can you get that Great Value cinnamon/vanilla cream???" He texts me back and says "cream?" Lightbulbs flash and I realize I needed to say COFFEE cream. Mission accomplished, he comes home with this delicousness and I look forward to the next morning (today) for my cure to my utter laziness ~ COFFEE.
Back to 7am, I practically am running to my coffee pot. First I grab my yummy coffee cream, opening it and then smelling it (cuz that's what I do, I smell everything) Oooops, yes, the old grounds are still there. Now I grab my tiny plastic Folgers canister of coffee, shock and horror run through me when I feel how light it feels, I slowly open it as if I'm afraid 10,000 spiders are going to run out of it and then smile to myself, just enough for one pot of coffee, and that is all I need.... for today.
An hour later, dishes are done and put away, 2 bathrooms scrubbed, 2 loads of laundry done, completed that stupid Census form that has been staring at me for two weeks, and why is all of this done by 10:30am? COFFEE. It's a drug, a warm, delightful, belly warming, running through my veins, drug.
Oh, I need to talk about time, well now cup of coffee is empty and time will have to wait to talk about time, because after all, it's time for more coffee.