Thursday, August 6, 2009

waking up HAPPY!

so for those of your who don't know, i've recently accepted a position that cater's to me perfectly. I'm the new catering event manager for a locally owned and operated restaurant that is absolutely thriving. This opportunity was presented to me shortly after I expressed interest in a management position as a closing supervisor in this bbq restaurant where I was a server. To make a long story short, it helped immensely with the drastic pay cut we were facing, as my husband had just lost his job (you know, the one that relocated us to Nebraska). This week MJ has started working again, it's not a career position, it just helps make ends meet. OMG rambling....again.

SOOOO I've had to get up around 6:15 am. This is the first time since losing my babies that I've held a position which required me to be up/awake/alert by 8am. I love staying up, sleeping in...and well, I really haven't HAD to have a 'real' job...but I'm 'feeling' this is truly a blessing in disguise. Well, because in the real world, half the day is over before I would get up and get going.

My alarm goes off, I sleep with my crackberry either IN my bed or on the nightstand....I find the noise that is telling me to get my ass out of bed, and hit snooze, it's ok...i have time. I snuggle in and dream again...until my good friend, aka 'crackberry' says, LORI GET UP...but I smile softly to myself and hit snooze AGAIN...and doze off. Finally my real-back-up alarm goes off, and I know it's time to slide out of bed....but it's ok. I feel great. I'm not trying to think of how NOT to get up and go to work. I feel 'happy'.

I could dwell on 'how' I could possibly feel happy, but I don't....I just accept this feeling, and hope it finds me every single morning from now until forever.


  1. Happy is good. I hope it keeps finding you!

  2. Now you've made tears come in my eyes and a quivering smile appear on my face. Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, makes me happier than a happy daughter or son. Thank you. I'm so glad you're back!
