Motivation is based on three specific aspects such as the arousal of behavior, the direction of behavior, and persistence of behavior. Arousal of behavior involves what activates human behavior and direction of behavior is concerned with what directs behavior towards a specific goal. Persistence of behavior is concerned with how the behavior is sustained.
What changes what we 'want' into something we 'can achieve'? Clearly the difference is the desire to make that change, but we all WANT things, what changes that want into a deep-driven motivation? Simple things like getting out of bed, is motivation. Driving to Burger King is also motivation. That's something we we do it. Drinking thirteen beers is also a drive within us. But are these 'motivaters' just that easy? And I find the answer to be a resounding 'YES'.
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The motivation that I believe that most people have trouble finding is much, much more complex. Striving to succeed past the easy things, making smart, informed choices. Passing the 'no-excuses' zone. Wanting something so badly that NOTHING will stand in your way. This motivation is clearly more driven than just being motivated enough to get out of bed, or go to work.
I look at successful people. They are happy, fulfilled. Live for everyday, excited about what each new day will bring. They don't balk at life's challenges, they face them head on. "Successful" people aren't always the people with the fat paychecks. They are successful because they have made a choice and have delivered upon reaching goals, continuing to set new ones. I believe they have a visual image of what they want, and they lock onto that --- until they get it. Is motivation learned? Is it hereditary?
So I ask YOU. What motivates you? Large or small. What is it?
Well, you ALMOST motivated me. I started reading this and thought, Perfect! just what I need right now. I'm about to learn how to get motivated. But that's not what I got. I got you asking what I wanted to know. Is it learned or hereditary. I suppose it's a combination of both. Now please tell me how to get it because if I had any, it all went away. Help!