Dear Ryan,
I'm writing to you because sometimes it's easier to comprehend and absorb things by reading as opposed to hearing a parent's voice. As hard as it is to think, I used to be your age, and I remember it I have some words of advice for you, as a mother and as a former 18 year old.
Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. You're 18, almost done with school, and about to embark on a college journey that will pave your lifes path. I know that seems deep and sort of 'out of reach' ... but it's true, so very true. Today is the beginning of making choices that will take you were I KNOW you want to go in your life, not where you want to go 'right now'. The choices of 'right now' are so, so important. This is where 'right and wrong' really do matter...more than you know. The fleeting euphoria of a sip of beer or smoking will pale in comparison to the success and triumph of landing your first job in a career path THAT YOU CHOSE. Mistakes now are costly, more than you know. A drink could land you in jail, passing on having that drink will lead you down a path you will never regret, I promise you this.
Tomorrow is Prom...oh what a huge day. I want you to have the most amazing of days, THIS is a day you will never, ever forget. Make it special. Make it memorable. Tell your girlfriend how beautiful she looks and when you say it, capture that breath-taking image of is one you will never forget. Another promise, from me you. You are guaranteed a night of friends, magic and fun...there is no room in this equation for a bad choice, you will not want to taint this memory...and a bad choice will do that. I promise.
I have faith that you will do the EXACT right thing, at all times this weekend. You will be responsible for your girlfriend being home safely, and in order to do that...your number 1 responsiblity, is for you to make sure, without a doubt...that you're in a safe state of mind. This is where the choices enter. In a mere blink of an eye, a bad choice ....could lead you and your girlfriend in place you don't want to be. Worse yet, a permanent place where it was 'not your time'. I know you'll be the young, responisble adult that you'll need to be. Do it for YOU and her, and for the future that is brimming with every possibility that you could even think of, and even the amazing possibilities that maybe haven't even crossed your mind.
I love you, so much more than you know....I want to see you graduate from college, and get married...and have children. All of these things are so much more fulfilling than any other 'choice' that you might be presented, you just have to be the smart, sharp adult I know that you are, and do 'what is right, all the time.'
Be YOU, be responsible, be smart, make the right choice....and one day, you'll think, "wow, I'm really glad I made every, single perfect choice, on such an amazing and memorable weekend." I remember this age ....and the world is waiting for you, I promise.
What a great post, Lori. I can't believe I've never seen it before. Every word is so true and so wise. I love it!!!